
Used Equipment Store

Account Benefits

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Manage your details to get quick responses by the team

Stay up-to-date on specials, price and availability

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Make it Your Used Equipment Store

Get a Used Equipment Store account today to get customised offers and expand the features that help you keep track of models, prices, and availability.

Features For You

Waitlist Requests

Get access to exclusive waitlist offers before they are available to everyone and get your hands on an offer as soon as it becomes available.

Price Alerts

Mark instruments as favourites as you go along for easier reference, research, price or feature comparison or to be kept up-to-date with notifications regarding your models.

Your Wishlist

Mark instruments as favourites as you go along for easier reference, research, price or feature comparison or to be kept up-to-date with notifications regarding your models.

Email Notifications

We pride ourselves on finding the newest and most relevant deals across our entire range of products for you. Enable notifications and be the first to know. Opt-out at any time.

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If you have not registered yet, you can create an account now to get access to more, custom features and stay up to date on offers and sales.

Get a customised view of the Used Equipment Store

Manage your details to get quick responses by the eStore team

Connect to your local Keysight salesperson

Stay up-to-date on products, price, availability, and specials